Aesthetica magazine feature

My work has been featured in the United Kingdom’s June/July Issue 113 of Aesthetica magazine. My profile includes several images in the online and print versions of the artist directory. The magazine is available in the stores of famous and prestigious galleries and museums such as Tate Modern in London, Centre Pompidou in Paris and other places.

A moving, curated platform of those shaping the industry today, each Directory runs concurrently in the bi-monthly magazine, including print and combined digital profiles that offer a gateway to boundary-pushing practices and innovative modes of thought.

Moja práca je publikovaná v britskom časopise Aesthetica, číslo 113, vydanie Jún/Júl 2023. Môj profil obsahuje niekoľko obrázkov v online a tlačenej verzii adresára umelcov. Časopis je k dispozícii v obchodoch slávnych a prestížnych galérií a múzeí ako Tate Modern v Londýne, Centre Pompidou v Paríži a v ďalších.

Adresár výtvarníkov časopisu Aesthetica je kurátorovaná platforma umelcov, ktorí tvarujú toto odvetie a ponúka bránu k postupom posúvajúcim hranice a inovatívnym módom myslenia.

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