Rays of light American Illustration 42 Chosen Winner

I was informed by Mark Heflin, the founder of American Illustration, that I am a CHOSEN WINNER in this 42nd edition of the New York competition from about 8000 entries! My work will appear online in the ARCHIVE on the American Illustration website. The jury included art directors from Time Magazine, Vanity Fair or New York Times Magazine and others.

Mark Heflin, zakladateľ súťaže American Illustration v New Yorku, ma informoval, že som sa stala víťazkou 42. ročníku tejto prestížnej akcie spomedzi 8000 diel! Moja práca bude publikovaná online v ARCHÍVE na stránke American Illustration. V porote boli umeleckí riaditelia Time Magazine, Vanity Fair alebo New York Times Magazine a ďalší.

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